Young Adults

So, you're not quite a youth, but you're still adjusting to being an "adult"... looking for some peers to connect with? Check out our Young Adult group! Our gatherings tend to be very relaxed times to hang out, eat, play board games, and go on occasional outings. Contact Hannah Armstrong for more information.

Upcoming Young adult Events

Each month, we host two regular events (a lunch on the first Sunday of the month and a game night on the third Friday of the month). We also throw the occasional special event into the mix! Read more below.

  • Out to Lunch

    Every month on the first Sunday, young adults are invited to join us after the service at a local restaurant for food and fellowship. This is an easy way to get to know other young adults at RUMC... and who wants to cook after church, anyway? Whether you're a bruncher or a luncher, foodie or not, we hope you'll join us for our next regular RUMC Young Adult lunch on Sunday, January 6th!

  • Game Night

    **ON HIATUS FOR THE HOLIDAYS** The third Friday of the month is our Young Adult Game Night! Join us upstairs in the Education Building for snacks and games of all kinds starting at 6:30pm. Feel free to bring your favorite games to share, or just bring yourself!