Where we Began...

Ever since eight people incorporated as a church in 1896, Redmond UMC has been a vital part of the community. Organizing community dinners, sending aid to orphans during times of war, caring for the sick, gathering people from a variety of faith traditions for Sunday School, people could find food for both body and soul. Our Chapel, built in 1908, is one of the oldest buildings on the Eastside and was moved to our current location in 1926. As the community has shifted and grown from rural to suburban to bustling town, we have continued to respond to the needs of the community and to provide a spiritual home for many. 

For more, information, see what the Redmond Historical Society has to say!

Where we are now...

The people of Redmond UMC continue their efforts to live out their faith as people of action, grounded in love for God and for our neighbors. As the dynamics and needs of Redmond have shifted, so have the ways we live into our mission: where we see the need for reconciliation and justice, we make it our objective! We also strive to be an inclusive congregation where all are welcomed into this shared experience and expression of God's love. We actively and enthusiastically participate in the local community in order to meet people where they are, and our continued presence in the heart of downtown Redmond gives us many great opportunities to do exactly that. We, together with our local partners, continue to feed Redmond, body and soul, as we have since 1896. 

As part of our continued efforts to provide a spiritual home for all, we value and nurture honesty, personal integrity, confession, and a growing faith, and consider being good stewards of all our resources (time, talents, money, bodies, environment, etc) to be a spiritual practice. 

Where we're headed...

We have a couple of programs and projects in the works, and we're really excited to see where they go! Some have launched and are in their early stages, while others are still under development.

Young Programs:

  • Artist in Residence Program
  • Reconciliation Implementation
  • Coordinator of Justice Ministry Program
  • Children's Church
  • Table Talk Small Groups
Under Development:
  • Discipleship Training

Through sharing the stories we're passionate about, we hope you'll be inspired to share your passion.