Jesus said to them, "Does anyone bring in a lamp in order to put it under a basket or bed?

Shouldn't it be placed on a lamppost? Everything hidden will be revealed."

Mark 4:21-22

Dear Friends, 

Last year, I (Kristen) told you the story about the time a young woman asked me, "What are your values?" I told you that this question threw me for a loop, and that for two weeks, I reflected, analyzed, considered, struggled, discussed, and finally, after sharing a glass of wine and a serious philosophical conversation with dear friends on a hot summer's day, settled on these three guiding "Lampposts" for my life: Generosity, Creation, and Community. 

This past year, I've come to realize that what I value is actually more than community; what I value is the single most important ingredient for community - connection! It feels like this tiny refinement in vocabulary has actually been a conduit to God; focusing on this Lamppost - connection - reminds me that God is in everything - my neighbors, strangers, my family, creation, me. 

Why am I sharing this refinement with you? Because this year, our Stewardship and Generosity theme is Fearless Generosity, and I am so excited to expand my understanding of generosity in community! I have always understood that generosity is a way a community of people can make the world better, a way to share God's abundance in our lives, and a way of giving back to God; but I'm learning that true generosity requires some discomfort, some risk, some discipline, and some radical trust that God is in everything!

It is extraordinary what RUMC has accomplished this year: We have supported a Sanctuary/Narthex project, hosted Porchlight's Men's Shelter for two month, served as many as 263 meals on a Wednesday, hired a Children & Family Ministries Director, fixed part of the Education Building roof, paid our staff, and kept the lights on! 

Our collective time, talent, and treasure made a difference in our space, our spiritual growth, and our community. We are grateful for our RUMC leadership whose creative and careful stewardship of our financial gifts has made it possible for our congregation to do amazing things! But there is still so much to do as we continue to step up and step out, seeking to follow where God is leading. 

Now, new ministries emerge, our beautiful (and old!) building needs maintenance, and the downtown community needs more care than ever before. Over the past couple of years, even with strong responses to our campaigns, the increased resources required to support growth and increasing needs are outpacing our revenues. RUMC is growing, and to meet the moment, we need to increase our collective giving and give with radical trust and fearless generosity! 

Jesus modeled fearless generosity. He loved deeply, shared himself fully, and taught fearless generosity in parables about possessions and where we put our trust. What would you give back to God if you knew you would have enough? 

We can do all things through Christ and the people of God called Redmond UMC can meet this moment as we do all others: with faith, hope, and love, remembering that God is in everything! As we reflect, analyze, consider, struggle, discuss and refine our definition of generosity together, may Christ's example be our lamppost. 


In Peace,

Kristen & Pastor Yvonne, on behalf of the Stewardship & Generosity Team