The people of Redmond UMC continue our efforts to live out our faith as people of action, grounded in love for God and for our neighbors. As the dynamics and needs of Redmond have shifted, so have the ways we live into our mission: where we see the need for reconciliation and justice, we make it our objective! We also strive to be an inclusive congregation where all are welcomed into this shared experience and expression of God's love. We actively and enthusiastically participate in the local community in order to meet people where they are, and our continued presence in the heart of downtown Redmond gives us many great opportunities to do exactly that. We, together with our local partners, continue to feed Redmond, body and soul, as we have since 1896. 


As part of our continued efforts to provide a spiritual home for all, we value and nurture honesty, personal integrity, confession, and a growing faith, and consider being good stewards of all our resources (time, talents, money, bodies, environment, etc) to be a spiritual practice. 


OUR team


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  • Salvation is not simply a “ticket to heaven;” it is a progress of growth. Our goal is to become people who love God and our neighbor as ourselves. 

    We follow the Holy Spirit as we learn to become conformed to Christ.

  • Jesus’ practice was radical hospitality. He welcomed all people, saints and sinners, rich and poor, children and adults, immigrants and residents. We therefore believe that no one is outside the grace of God.

  • Methodism is sometimes called a “both/and” church: we talk about faith and works, body and spirit, peace and justice, personal holiness and social holiness. It is foundational to our underlying theological methodology, relying on scripture, tradition, experience, and reason.

  • Jesus came proclaiming the Kingdom of God. What he meant was to show in his actions of inclusion, forgiveness, reorientation, healing, and feeding. As we participate in this transformative kingdom, we likewise care for the whole person as we seek to address the social injustices of our times.

  • Baptism and Holy Communion are the two sacraments of the United Methodist Church. Sacraments are practices that connect us to the mystery of God’s love and grace.

    Baptism is our welcome into the family of Christ and celebrate the grace of God freely offered to us before we were even aware of it. Baptism may occur at any age and uses water as symbolic of God’s love, necessary for all life.

    Holy Communion is the symbolic meal of bread (at RUMC, we use gluten-free and hand baked) and drink (grape juice) shared by the family of Christ to nourish and sustain us as followers of Christ. Our practice is what is known as “open” communion, where people of all ages and church affiliations are welcome.

    We celebrate Holy Communion every Sunday as a celebration of our life together as the living body of Christ in and for our world.